Outcomes, Key Results, and Key Stake Holders of the Seven Critical Enablers of the NDP (2018-2021)

Critical Enabler 1:

A public sector that is efficient and responsive to the citizenry

  • Appropriately remunerated, motivated, and well managed public service
  • Increase change in salaries and pensions payments as % of GDP from 0% to 5%
  • Increase the number of MDAs inspected (staff inspection exercises) from 0 to 18 (covering all ministries)
  • Increase the number of staff audit exercises from 0 to 3
  • Existence of a Pay and Pensions Policy

Adama Barrow

Critical Enabler 2:

Empowering the Gambian Woman to realize her full potential

  • Enhanced women’s economic empowerment and sustainable livelihoods
  • Increased representation and participation of women in decision-making
  • Gender-based violence reduced
  • Increase the number of gender mainstreamed sector policies from 4 to 16
  • Decrease proportion of female headed households below the poverty line from 24.6% to 22%
  • Existence of an enterprise development fund;
  • Increase proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments from 10% to at least 30%
  • Increase the proportion of women holding ministerial positions from 21% to 30%
  • Decrease the proportion of girls and women aged 15-49 who have undergone FGM/C from 76.3% to 50%
  • Decrease the proportion of women who are subjected to physical violence from 40.9% to 10%
  • Existence of a centre for survivors of domestic violence

Adama Barrow

Critical Enabler 3:

Enhancing the role of the Gambian diaspora in national development

  • Structured and facilitative approach to diaspora engagement
  • Leveraging Diaspora remittances and investment
  • protection of vulnerable migrants and facilitation of regular pathways
  • Active and enhanced participation in national policy and development practice
  • A Diaspora strategy validated by 50 Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA)
  • A Gambia Diaspora Directorate with focal points in 50 MDAs, embassies and missions
  • Capacity developed for 2,500 government and NSA personnel on Diaspora development
  • Transaction cost of remittances sent to The Gambia reduced to an average of 3%
  • 20 Diaspora Direct Investments (DDIs) and issue 2 Diaspora Bonds facilitated
  • Co-financing of 100 civil society and social impact projects from the Diaspora Development Fund (DDF)
  • Irregular (back-way) migrants reduced by 60%
  • Negotiate and sign 4 migration and development bilateral agreements
  • Facilitate circular migration contracts for 350 skilled migrant workers
  • Complete full registration of diaspora voters, and oversee diaspora voting in Presidential elections
  • Facilitate 14 representatives of the diaspora to have observer status in the 7 Local Government Areas
  • Create platform for 50 diaspora-development organizations, covering 10 sectors, in 3 continents
  • Access and utilize the services of 100 highly skilled diaspora professionals

Adama Barrow

Critical Enabler 4:

Promoting environmental sustainability, climate resilient communities and appropriate land use

  • Environment and climate change-friendly policies, programmes and awareness strengthened at all levels for resilience
  • Emergency and disaster risk reduction and response strengthened at all levels
  • Natural resources sustainably managed and utilized
  • Strengthened policy environment and tools for appropriate land use planning and management
  • Decrease CO2 emission from Btw 2118 to 2528 GgCo2e (2016) to Btw 967.9 to 1155 GgCo2e
  • Availability of a updated NEMA
  • Increase the number of communities implementing adaptive mechanisms from 10 to 100
  • Increase the % of wildlife protected areas for coastal and marine from 7.4% to 10%
  • Increase the % of wildlife protected areas for terrestrial and inland from 0.16% to 1%
  • Increase the area of forest under community management from 50,000 hectares to 70,000 hectares
  • EWEA DRR and CC Available nationwide
  • Increase community based non-wood forest products/services enterprises from 80 to 100.
  • Availability of a national land policy
  • Availability of a Land Use plan
  • Availability of a Cadastral map of the country

Adama Barrow

Critical Enabler 5:

Making The Gambia a Digital Nation and Creating a modern information society

  • Enhanced ICT infrastructure and services for increased access to quality broadband services and solutions to support inclusive and sustainable development
  • Increase the % of population using the internet daily from 46.8% to 90%
  • Increase the proportion of population with access to mobile phones from 78.9% to 90%
  • Increase the proportion of schools connected to broadband internet from 6% to 12%
  • Existence of National Information and communications Infrastructure policy II

Adama Barrow

Critical Enabler 6:

A civil society that is engaged and is a valued partner in national development

  • Civil society positioned as representative, dynamic and credible consortium
  • Enhanced relationship maintained with government and other stakeholders
  • Effective, relevant, and sustainable services delivered in a participatory way
  • Availability of a revised NGO Act
  • Increase the proportion of communities trained on HRBA and Social Accountability from 0% to 80%
  • Conduct annual NGO Forum
  • Availability of an updated strategic plan
  • Availability of a resource mobilization strategy
  • Increase the level of investment from low to high
  • Increase the level of CSO participation in Government decision making platforms from low to high
  • Increase the level of NGO representation in government delegations to international for a from low to high

Adama Barrow

Critical Enabler 7:

Strengthening evidence-based policy, planning and decision-making

  • Statistical governance, coordination of the NSS and data quality enhanced
  • Enhanced and sustained quality human resources, physical, ICT and statistical infrastructures
  • Quality data produced, disseminated and adequately monitored and evaluated
  • Sustainable funding and partnerships
  • Existence of a revised Statistics Act
  • Increase in functional statistic units in MDAs, including LGAs from 10 to 100
  • Existence of functional NSS coordination/steering committee
  • Availability of data quality frameworks
  • Increase in number of trained professionals from 20 to 50
  • Increase in proportion of censuses and surveys completed from 0 to 100
  • Availability of a CRVS system
  • Increase in proportion of statistical reports and data on GBOS portal from 35% to 100%
  • Existence of number of NDP indicators from 0 to 100%
  • Government budget allocation increased from less than 1% to 5%
  • Increase number of chapters of professional societies from 0 to 2
  • Establish an NDP result measurement database

Adama Barrow

    The government’s goal is to “deliver good governance, accountability, social cohesion, national reconciliation, a revitalized and transformed economy for the wellbeing of all Gambians”.

    Contact Us:

    MTSE Building Kanifing Institutional Layout Kanifing, The Gambia, West Africa
    +1 (919) 747 6940